August 2013: End of the beginning, or beginning of the end?

Every year I am offered an appointment with an oncologist to see how I am, it’s usually with a registrar rather than a consultant. If it’s one I know I will start the conversation with “don’t look so depressed because…
In August 2013 doctors gave me a death sentence! With that ” power gaze” the philosopher Michel Foucault described, they took away all hope and told me to prepare for the end. I searched the medical literature for some encouragement…
Perhaps now is the time to tell readers about my relationship with Lance and the role he played in getting me to run the Great Wall Marathon. When I was first diagnosed. A number of people suggested I read…
I had seen the tumour on the screen, the doctors face, I did not need to wait for the biopsy. The nurse told me I would be having CT and MRI scans the following week. Their sense of urgency and…