Helpful Websites.
- Penny Brohn Cancer Care If you have cancer go there for 3 day “Living Well” course. The sooner you change your lifestyle the better your chances will be.
- Livestrong Great information. Whatever Lance Armstrong may have done, he did not cheat cancer and his book is inspirational, however I would not read it until the worst of your treatment is over.
- Anti Cancer The Late David Servan Schreiber, lived 20 good years with brain cancer. If you are going to read one cancer book this is it.
- Cannabis Oil Success Stories Advice Forum on taking Cannabis oil
- Medical Cannabis Costa del Sol Reliable source of Information about where one can get Cannabis Oil
- Bobby Moore Fund Bobby Moore created the awareness about the symptoms that brought me to the doctor
- MacMillan Cancer Support They are always there for support in the Hospital and do great work
Visitors Comments
- My grandfather fought against the British for Irish independence. In fact most small countries were colonised and have a history of Rebellion and subsequent division. on “Bloody Sunday” 1920 was a major part of grandad’s life.
- Trisha Place on Given just months to live; then “spontaneous remission”, a miracle or just cancer sense?
- Christopher shorter on He’s not dead, he’s stoned from cannabis oil!
- Businessqwa on Given just months to live; then “spontaneous remission”, a miracle or just cancer sense?
- Phil on He’s not dead, he’s stoned from cannabis oil!
- Nespressohao on Given just months to live; then “spontaneous remission”, a miracle or just cancer sense?
- Speakercpa on Given just months to live; then “spontaneous remission”, a miracle or just cancer sense?
- Alpinkajam on “Bloody Sunday” 1920 was a major part of grandad’s life.
- Foamdst on Given just months to live; then “spontaneous remission”, a miracle or just cancer sense?
- Artisanwhg on Given just months to live; then “spontaneous remission”, a miracle or just cancer sense?
Richard’s Diary