On top of the World; Five days on Kilimanjaro, Marangu route.

Every year I am offered an appointment with an oncologist to see how I am, it’s usually with a registrar rather than a consultant. If it’s one I know I will start the conversation with “don’t look so depressed because…
In August 2013 doctors gave me a death sentence! With that ” power gaze” the philosopher Michel Foucault described, they took away all hope and told me to prepare for the end. I searched the medical literature for some encouragement…
Hate this shit that shows up on my profile on Face Book no doubt because the C word comes up often and the assume I am interested and might give to a cancer charity. October is not cancer month, if…
For the second day in a row the Guardian is going with this negative story of people seeking alternatives to help them live better with cancer. Again they sully the memory of Jesica Ainscough who died a few days ago…
Have to laugh at this article by oncologist Dr Ranjana Srivastava in todays Guardian 4/3/15 “What do doctors say to ‘alternative therapists’ when a patient dies? Nothing. You have to love this outrage when someone decided to shun the medical cartel for…
Since being diagnosed with cancer in 2011, my family and I have been aware that the end would come one day and it would be unpredictable. On Friday the 13 June 2014 the “grim reaper” came for me at 3:00…
We are staying in a “town” I have never heard of near the wall.the tell me it has a population of 3 million, but you could not see the size of the place for the smog Day before race took…
Left Beijing at 6.30 to inspect the route. The steps are harder than I thought, I guess there were no building regs when they were built. Took an hour to get across a 4 K section. Great to meet up…
We have just landed in Beijing It’s hard to believe its only last August we first talked about this and now we are here.its really happening. I was hoping to keep my friends informed on Facebook but its not allowed…
When I tell people I had lost all sensation in my hands and feet after chemotherapy they would often say, that’s not too bad. I suppose if you compare it to losing your eyesight or losing a limb it doesn’t…
End of June we went for a few days to Center Parks with the kids. Its a kind of middle class Butlins, with lots of sports activities and swimming facilities, which are help full in getting feeling back into my…
Perhaps now is the time to tell readers about my relationship with Lance and the role he played in getting me to run the Great Wall Marathon. When I was first diagnosed. A number of people suggested I read…
The longest march starts with the first step and up until France, they had been baby steps. Probably the first big improvement in my physical condition that would lead to the Great Wall of China happened during my ten days…
There is an increasing awareness in health care of the relationship between Exercise and wellbeing. Last year at a conference I met Dean Ornish who I later found out was Steve Jobs doctor. He did a study and found people who did…